Padma Sadhana is a sequence of yoga asanas specially designed by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar for the DSN (Divya Samaj Nirman) Course. Padma means lotus and Sadhana means effort.
In the Agama tradition it is said that the Devi (Goddess) sits on a 5 layered seat or asana. The base of this seat is a tortoise, which represents stability. The second layer is the snake, which represents awareness. Above the snake sits the lion, it symbolizes grace. Above the lion sits the Siddha, The Perfect Sage. And above the perfect sage sits the lotus, the symbol of full blossoming.
When our asanas have all these 5 qualities – Stability, Awareness, Grace, Perfection and Full blossoming, then the divinity dawns in us and that is Padma Sadhana. Padma Sadhana refers to the blossoming of the mind, body and soul through the practice of these asanas. It releases many optimum hormones in the blood stream and induces tranquility and harmony, improving one’s alertness, dynamism, courage and commitment.
Doing Padmasadhana before Sudarshan Kriya deepens our experience and takes us deeper in meditation. It helps in centering our mind and consciousness. Make Padmasadhana a daily part of your morning and evening practice.

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